Wednesday 22 August 2012

Lynwood Gardens Outdoor Cinema

Lynwood gardens is a small nature reserve in Broomhall. You wouldn't realise it was there if you didn't venture past Aunt Sally's and go exploring beyond their car park. Last Saturday I strolled down the lit path for an exciting outdoor cinema event.

There must have been around fifty people that turned up to watch a film which we chose based upon a vote on the night (which turned out to be the Big Lebowski). All the proceeds from the £5 entry fee went to fund the charity Dig Deep and also a percentage of it went into Lynwood Gardens.

We all sat around on picnic tables, camping chairs and rugs. Most of the crowd were my age, so mid twenties and everyone was friendly and lovely. There was also amazing cake (including Guinness cake courtesy of the rude shipyard, still warm..hello!) which I enjoyed with a glass of red wine from the pub.

All in all it was a wonderful experience and all for a good cause!

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